The neighborhood of the park in Hadera is expanding: a plan has been allocated for 4,300 housing units in the area

Globes, Guy Nardi, 15.01.2020

Until a little over ten years ago, the Hadera Park neighborhood was the end of the Hadera Park, and had orchards owned by descendants of the Rothman family, one of the city's founders. In the mid-1990s, the land use change process began and in 2004, a sharp / 1200 plan was approved, covering 1,800 dunams. The plan, which was prepared by the Finchie-Raveh architects, Menzner and Giora Gore, proposes the erection of three large neighborhoods between the city center neighborhoods and the Beit Eliezer and Neve Eliezer and Dania neighborhoods east.

About six years ago, construction of the northern part of the neighborhood began, and this week the Haifa District Planning and Construction Commission approved a plan to construct another part of the area of ​​650 dunams. The plan includes about 4,300 housing units, which will be built in residential buildings at heights ranging from 9-30 floors. Of the total housing units, about 1,200 will be allocated for small apartments. In addition, the plan will also allow apartments for long-term rental. In addition to the housing units, the plan allocates about 150 dunams for public needs, including land for a large education community that will serve the entire city, about 2,000 square meters for employment areas and about 10,000 square meters for commercial space. In the center of the new neighborhood, a park is planned to cover 52 acres, which continues the park in the existing neighborhood to the north.

Hadera City Architect Little Dori welcomes the decision to entrust the plan: "This plan is a direct continuation of the existing park neighborhood and provides a response to a diverse population that has already begun to arrive in Hadera in recent years. Urban, such as meticulous planning for light transportation, local employment and diverse housing.”


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